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European Digital Innovation Hubs - everything you need for digital transformation at one place

By providing access to technical expertise and experimentation as well as the possibility to 'test before invest', EDIHs help companies improve business/production processes, products, or services using digital technologies. They also provide innovation services, such as financing advice, training, and skills development that are needed for a successful digital transformation. Environmental issues are also taken into account, in particular with regard to energy consumption and low carbon…

Nikola Balić

How to protect, fund, or create business models around innovations are typical questions on which Nikola has been providing answers during the last ten years of his professional career. Nikola is currently Head of the Department for Science and Innovation of the University of Split and Project Manager of several EU-funded projects. He is also a European IP Helpdesk ambassador.

Croatian Industry 4.0 Development Center

Stepwise digital transformation of manufacturing companies using world-class best practices & tools. Half of Industry 4.0 is about transformation of people, and the other half about technology. We approach it that way. HCRi4.0 provides strategic approach to i4.0: Measuring current state of i4.0 maturity using proven i4.0 Maturity Scan tool which provides you with benchmarking with your peer group. (Quick online scan tool available for free.) Thoughtful company…

MESAP Innovation Cluster

MESAP is the Innovation Cluster of Piedmont Region in the fields of Smart Products & Manufacturing with 268 Members, including 222 SMEs, 38Large Companies, 8 Universities and Research Centres. Most of  the large companies are multinational firms  focused  in manufacturing, automotive and aerospace industries.  MESAP main goals are linked to the knowledge transfer from research centres to companies, the cross transfer and spread of sectorial competences…