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Servitization: Improving Manufacturing Productivity

The UK manufacturing industry has witnessed a rise in service-based business models, but despite clear potential for business growth and reliable revenues, the uptake of servitization in the UK is not as widespread as it could be. The recent report 'Servitisation: from products to profit' seeks to change that by making the business case for servitization and assessing its role in improving manufacturing productivity and contributing to the UK economy. View the recording of the webinar…

Servitization Force Field Analysis: accelerating organisational change

With its promise of regular, reliable income and business growth, servitization is a compelling proposition for many manufacturers. Yet, servitization journeys can be complex, messy and last longer than expected. Executives frequently struggle to manage the organisational change that is necessary to innovate services within a traditional product-focused business. All to often progress stalls and it is not clear which steps to take next. Force Field Analysis can be a useful tool for decision…

Online Seminar: Service Performance Monitor – Your way to achieve service excellence

Due to the more competitive environment, manufacturing companies need to complement their offerings with industrial, knowledge-based services. To successfully develop, produce and market these, organizational changes throughout the company and the measurement of this development are necessary. Therefore, in the scope of the Interreg CE project ProsperAMnet, the Industrial Service Excellence Monitor has been developed - a tool that helps companies determine their current situation and derive…

Online Seminar: Service Export Radar – An AI based market research tool

The Service Export Radar is a cutting-edge, artificially intelligent solution to assist advanced manufacturers in their decision-making process regarding their service export into new markets abroad. Especially the time-consuming market research process before any entry into a new market is facilitated. With the help of artificial intelligence, specific information will be collected automatically, and the radar can be used for three different reasons: Use case #1: Search for similar…

Webinar: Servitization – transformation of products into services as digitalization enabler

Servitization is a process of creation of new services that are based on existing products already offered by a company. This eventually leads to improving the offering by adding additional services to existing product (product-service systems) or even replacing the product with an innovative service. Also, servitization fosters digitalization of manufacturing SMEs by creating new revenue streams based on digitalized products and maximizes the potential of the Industry 4.0 infrastructure. …

Webinar: Secure Power as a Service - The Schneider Electric Story

With the growing adoption of the as-a-service business model across industries, change is accelerating as businesses increasingly look to manage consumption instead of asset ownership. Customers are demanding more predictable operating costs and reallocation of resources to focus on their core business activities. At the same time, climate change is pushing enterprises like Schneider Electric to come up with solutions that are efficient on energy, capital and are circular economy enabled by…

Servitization meets Marketing webinar

Servitization - the transformation from selling products to selling outcome-based services - requires changes at all levels of a business. How do you bring service-led offers to market? How do you solve the tension between products and the services the products enable? How is marketing outcome-based services different from marketing products and what changes will business have to make? On July 14th 2021 host Iain McKechnie has assembled a panel of industry experts for a deep dive into…

Field Service and Servitization webinar

Servitization promises resilience and business growth for manufacturing. A question that many manufacturers ask us is where do I start? What about my existing Field Service – what changes will I need to make? This webinar was held on July 7th 2021 and hosted by Ian McKechnie. The panel of expert industry speakers shared their experience to cover what it feels like to run an outcome-based operation, what service leaders will have to have in place to be successful and what…

Wolfgang Steiner/Business Upper Austria

We kindly invite you to test the prosperAMnet Service-Export RADAR.  Service is very important for advanced manufacturers but they are not allways as fast as the product they relate to when exported. The RADAR helps you to find out who are your competitors in new markets when Service will come to be exported.  Even more you can find out what competitors promote different to you.  The tool is AI based and makes it possible to get results within a few minutes - and the…

Croatian Industry 4.0 Development Center

Stepwise digital transformation of manufacturing companies using world-class best practices & tools. Half of Industry 4.0 is about transformation of people, and the other half about technology. We approach it that way. HCRi4.0 provides strategic approach to i4.0: Measuring current state of i4.0 maturity using proven i4.0 Maturity Scan tool which provides you with benchmarking with your peer group. (Quick online scan tool available for free.) Thoughtful company…